Leadership Skills

The course is structured to address core competency areas of leadership and delegation for better planning and decision-making, and to foster an organizational culture of trust and responsibility between the management and line staff.

The workshop proposed will cover the broad themes of leadership characteristics, leadership styles, leadership and ethics, leading change in turbulent times, leading people to work as a team, empowerment, coaching and counselling techniques, and stress management. 

The training aims to provide participants with a framework for understanding the issues associated with managing change in organizations and to provide opportunities for reflecting on change in real organizations.

The program will assist managers to develop a higher sense of commitment to being a great leader, someone who gets things done effectively and with spirit. It also aims to develop more self-awareness and a more reflective style of living and leading.


  • Overview of leadership model
  • Leadership styles and behaviors
  • Leading change in ambiguous and turbulent times
  • Leading people to work together as a team
  • Empowerment
  • Conflict resolution
  • Coaching and counselling skills

Leading and Managing Change

This 1-day workshop explores the forces behind change and the effects that it has on people. It then guides participants on how to adopt the most effective approach to leading their team. The program elaborates on how to steer around obstacles, overcome resistance and help people through changes. This will enable managers to make valuable contributions to the process of planned changes in their organization.


Understand the reality and the forces behind change
Causes for reactions and resistance to change, and solutions to these issues
Homing in on the positive aspects of change
Adopting a positive attitude towards new thinking;
Effective approach for the successful implementation of change, what works, what doesn’t

Supervisory Skills

This 2-day workshop is designed to enable first-time supervisors to gain an understanding of the issues in real-life supervision. Participants will learn about tools and techniques used in performing their day to day supervisory role. Effective supervisors are those that are able to experiment with different approaches and styles that lead to increased productivity and efficiency. The focus of this program will be on developing a practical approach with participants that may help them to grow as future managers


Essential goals of supervision
Qualities of a successful supervisor
Supervision and management styles
Communications – Information to disclosure and feedback
Do’s and Don’ts of communication
Planning essentials
Delegation, empowerment and accountability
Values vs. Needs
Working with groups and teams
Coaching and motivation
Handling change and uncertainty
Personal development and effectiveness
Personal toolkit for taking back to the workplace

Motivating People

This 1-day workshop addresses one of the key challenges in organizations. How do you get your staff to be more highly motivated and involved with what you and your enterprise are trying to achieve? If you pay your employees more money, are they motivated to work more effectively? If the answer is yes, you are not wrong at all. However, there are many ways other than and more important than money that motivate your staff…


-Understanding motivation from a management perspective
-Factors that influence people behavior
-Factors of job enrichment that make work more attractive
-The team leader’s role in motivating a work team
-Application of job enrichment techniques for team motivation

Delegating Effectively

This 2-day workshop explains why delegation is a key part of a manager’s skill set and how it allows managers to share some of their work and responsibilities with team members. The program explores what delegation means, the challenges to consider in delegating and what it involves in practical terms…


-Why delegate? What happens if you don’t?
-Understanding the relationship between delegation, responsibility and accountability
-Achieving a balance in the extent to which you delegate
-The process and skills of effective delegation
-Evaluating how the delegation is working and review

Becoming A More Effective Manager

This 2-day workshop focuses on how managers can become more effective in terms of enabling staff and ensuring achievement of expected results. The course includes tools for assessing one’s own strengths and weaknesses in managerial effectiveness and identifying action plans for changes in both techniques and behavior..


-The need to be effective and what exactly is effectiveness?
-Why effectiveness is vital in managerial functions?
-Effectiveness strategies
-Transforming to a positive attitude and behavior framework
-Assessing your effectiveness as a manager
-Implementing a development plan, action planning and wrap up