Cross-Disciplinary and Cross-Functional Skills

The overall objective of a cross-disciplinary and cross-functional skills program is to equip individuals with the knowledge, abilities, and attitudes necessary to thrive in today’s dynamic and interconnected work environment. This program aims to bridge the gap between different disciplines and functions within an organization, encourage collaboration and innovation.


  • Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Adaptability and Lifelong Learning
  • Systems Thinking
  • Teamwork
  • Project Management
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Negotiation and Influence

Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Team Excellence with MBTI Workshops

Are you looking for a workshop that can Improve individual and team effectiveness and performance, nurture and retain top talent and develop leadership at every level of an organization. Our workshops are designed to achieve not only this but also help in:

  • Reducing workplace conflict 
  • Problem Solving 
  • Create an atmosphere of understanding and clear communication 
  • Useful insights that can be applied in your life 

Key Benefits of the MBTI Workshops: 

  • Improve individual and team effectiveness and performance 
  • Nurture and retain top talent 
  • Develop leadership at every level of an organization 
  • Reduce workplace conflict 
  • Explore the world of what it means to work as a team 
  • Create an atmosphere of understanding and clear communication 
  • Useful insights that can be applied in your life 

Ideal for teams who: 

  • Are interested in developing a deeper understanding of themselves and others 
  • Want to improve efficiency and effectiveness through improve communication and conflict management 
  • Are going through a change (transitions or mergers) 
  • Are newly formed 
  • Want team building with lasting impact 
  • Want to apply the knowledge from their MBTI results to their situation in real time 

The MBTI workshops are action packed, very practical and highly interactive. To facilitated long-term results from the workshop, participants will get 4-coaching hours before and after workshop to be availed within one month of workshop completion– all sessions will be conducted online.

Stress Management

Stress can be defined as emotional strain or state of mental tension as a result of demanding or adverse circumstances. Stress affects individuals from all walks of life, although some types of stress are actually motivating, too much stress can critically affect your physical, emotional and mental well-being. Stress management is taking charge of your emotions, schedule, environment, thoughts, and how you deal with your problems.


  • An understanding of stress, stress cycle and key types of stresses
  • How to recognize the symptoms and signs of stress and their long-term effects
  • The costs and impact of stress on the organization and why it is important to tackle it
  • Recognition that as staff and managers we bear a responsibility for the well-being of ourselves and of staff
  • Understanding resilience
  • Understanding compassion fatigue
  • Review the current stress management strategies
  • Have practical ideas, skills and a plan for dealing with stress in the workplace
  • Learn what lifestyle elements can be changed to reduce stress
  • Learn environmental & physical relaxation techniques
  • Responding to stressful application by using different effective techniques
  • How to adapt positive attitude


  • Increase your overall productivity.
  • A happier life.
  • Reduce stress-related expenses.
  • Think creatively.
  • Improve your health.
  • Know how to apply different stress management strategies that can help you to overcome stress.
  • Comprehend the effects of stress that is improperly managed on an individual, family, and its impact on productivity.
  • Design solutions to one’s response patterns to stress that make it more compatible with your personal goals.
  • Acquire the critical skills of a good manager of stress and come up with an action plan

Problem Solving and Decision Making Skills

This 2-day workshop includes 2 modules on making and taking decisions and solving problems effectively. In management, you are faced with complex decision making situations all the time and your ability to make rational and considered decisions and address complex problems can have a significant impact on your personal and your team’s performance…


-Set out the 5 steps for making good decisions
-Set and prioritize objectives for your decisions
-Make the most effective decision from a range of possible options
-Implement your decision and evaluate its outcomes
-Identify and analyze your problems
-Generate possible solutions and compare them to discern the best solution
-Implement your chosen solutions and evaluate their effectiveness

Workplace Professionalism

Being a professional in your chosen field means much more than wearing a suit and tie or possessing a college degree and a fancy title. Professionalism also has to do with how you conduct yourself during your business affairs and daily official transactions with your seniors, peers and customers. True professionals possess a number of important characteristics that can apply to virtually any type of organization. This 1-day course is designed to provide participants with the understanding and skills to enhance their professional behavior and demeanor in the workplace.


• Being a professional: what does it mean?
• Professional appearance and impact
• Good work habits- timeliness, productivity, quality and initiative
• Self-evaluation – assessing one’s strengths and weaknesses
• Handling personal responsibility vs. external factors
• Maintaining and conveying a positive attitude
• People skills (verbal, non-verbal, written)
• The professional’s checklist and action plan

Time Management

See yourself as a decision maker who never gets around to making decisions? Do you often think: ” I could only get more done if only”… dread the phone, the knock at the door, the next meeting? Usually lack of time management is characterized by last minute rushes to meet deadlines, meetings which are either double booked or achieve nothing, days which seem somehow to slip unproductively by, crises which loom unexpectedly from nowhere. This sort of environment leads to inordinate stress and degradation of performance


1440 minutes in a day – Utilization Profile
Time Thieves, time wasters
Essentials of time management, best practice
Goal Setting to enhance productivity
Short Term & long term goals
Prioritization & handling multiple tasks
Conquering procrastination
Time management tools
Preparing individual action plans

Emotional Intelligence for Managers

Research in psychology and human performance over the last twenty years indicates that mental intelligence does contribute to success BUT the far more significant intelligence that accounts for personal and professional success is emotional intelligence Dr. Michael Rock , EQ specialist

Having a high IQ alone may not necessarily equate to a high rate of success. Other factors such as self awareness, impulse control, persistence, self-motivation, being able to build and sustain inspiring work environments as well as engage others through empathy and positive relationships are qualities which set apart leaders who excel. These basic qualities are now commonly known as Emotional Intelligence, an array of non-cognitive capabilities, competencies and skills that enhance ability to succeed in coping with environmental demands and pressures. Research shows that an executive’s emotional intelligence has clear links to their own performance as well as impacting everyone else around.

Redefining what it means to be smart – sharpening the EQ Edge and intra- and interpersonal competencies

This program creates awareness of the significance of Emotional Intelligence at the workplace and in leadership. Participants will be equipped using hands-on experiential learning to develop intra- and interpersonal skills and 15 key EQ competencies, and will learn how these can make a difference to individual and team performance as well as job satisfaction.


Personal competence and intrapersonal EQ
Why is EQ so relevant?
What difference does it really make?
Symptoms and cost of low EQ
The impact of emotions o??n decision-making and behavior
Your mood matters: EQ in leadership
Develop and sustain a high level of optimism to inspire others
Emotional management
Anger and frustration in people-management
Emotional hijack and intervention techniques
Be able to change your mood

Social competence – Interpersonal EQ
The heart of the matter is a matter of the heart: how emotions influence relationships
Read and respond to emotional and social cues
Empathy: The key to better understanding and relating to others
Build trust and rapport to have a positive influence on others
Attend to emotions of others – How to create that good feeling
Communicate beyond words with attending behaviors
Identify and remove communication violations

EQ in Leadership
The changing role of management
IQ versus EQ: Balancing task and people aspects
Winning hearts versus forcing hands – Develop a high EQ leadership style
Steps to build high EQ teams
Defining EQ behaviors and practices to apply EQ in daily work