Managing Teams Remotely

This 2-day workshop is designed to discuss how organizations are looking at remote work as a means to improving productivity and controlling their overheads. Participants will learn about the importance of remote-supervision as a competency required by the leaders of the remote era that we are entering. The success of a remote team depends on the level of trust between the team members and their leadership.


  • Remote-work: The new work reality
  • Laying the Foundation
  • Trust, the foundation of success
  • Remote Supervision
  • Digital Tools in Remote Work
  • Cross Cultural Teams
  • Lessons in Remote Leadership

High Impact Teams

What causes organizations to excel is the degree to which teams work well together. How does a team leader constantly refresh team spirit and sustain the enthusiasm for team work and high performance? How can a team achieve high impact by building on its strengths? This workshop will answer these questions and cover other aspects of successful team building and management.


Human behaviour and team dynamics
Learn what makes people tick, what ticks them off
Why people do what they do and how to encourage desired behaviours

What influences human behaviour and team dynamics
How to apply these insights in managing teams
Understand and manage individual needs and expectations
Identify individual styles, strengths and areas of development
Understanding and managing different working and communication styles

(Note: the DISC Personality Profiling will be used as a tool for this section of the program)

Toolbox to develop and sustain a high impact team
Characteristics and practices of high impact teams
Motivate and inspire – winning hearts vs. forcing hands
Communicate effectively – remove communication violations
Develop for higher performance – effective feedback and engagement
Understand and apply different management styles