Monitoring and Evaluation

In this 2-day course, Participants will also learn how Monitoring and Evaluation helps in measuring, recording, collecting, processing and communicating information to assist in decision-making and ensure monitoring & evaluation framework is followed extensively to achieve project goals.


  • Participants and program introduction
  • Use of logframer 3.1 in developing logframe matrices- I
  • Use of logframer 3.1 in developing logframe matrices- II
  • Preparation of Indicator Sheets
  • Using monitoring data in evidence based decision making (EBDM)
  • Earned Value Analysis (EVA) – I
  • Earned Value Analysis (EVA) – II template and case study
  • Use of KM System in development sector
  • The discipline of M&E: trends and challenges

Results Based Management

A 3-day training workshop on Results Based Management (RBM) framework that aims to build participants ‘ understanding of key RBM concepts, rationale and challenges, results-outcomes and outputs, monitoring indicators and finally using it for learning, adjusting and making decisions. It will assist participants to develop indicators and targets that are specifically aligned with outputs and outcomes and most importantly measurable in a given time.


• Understanding Key RBM Concepts
• RBM – Rationale and Challenges
• Results – Outcomes and Outputs – Linking outputs to activities
• Performance monitoring frameworks – Linking RBM with M&E
• Using RBM for learning, adjusting and decision making

Project Cycle Management

This program aims to increase the capacity and skills of participants in project cycle management with a focus on project formulation and proposal and developing a Monitoring and Evaluation framework that ensures successful implementation of the project. At the end of the training, the participants should be able to identify the different stages of a project life cycle and their associated activities, apply appropriate tools for identification and assessment of the need of a project.

The participants will work on problem identification, situation analysis, stakeholder analysis, link inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes and impact in a results chain (LFA), develop and apply LFA and other project planning and management tools, develop a monitoring and evaluation Framework for the project, and structure effective proposal documents that describe the full project cycle.


  • Introduction to Project Management
  • Understanding a Project and its Lifecycle
  • Gender analysis based focused interventions
  • Logical Framework Analysis – LFA
    • Stakeholder analysis
    • Developing problem tree
    • Understanding Impact, outcomes, outputs, activities & inputs
    • Indicators
    • Sources of verification
    • Assumptions
  • Planning based on LFA (6 Step Planning
    • Project WBS
    • Time Estimating using PERT
    • Critical Activities/Gantt Chart
    • Building project budget (resource allocation)
    • Project Risk Management
    • Project Communication
  • Project Implementation: (Project Management Game)
  • What is Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Using LFA for developing M&E framework
  • Project dashboard reporting

Proposal Writing for NGOs

This 2-day hands-on workshop will guide participants on how to structure and write a persuasive project proposal that contains all the elements required by funding organizations. Participants will be required to prepare a pre-course project plan brief and will use this to develop a project proposal during the workshop.


Overall statement of need
Stakeholder analysis, target beneficiaries
Conceptualize goal, purpose, outputs, activities – LFA
Project timescales, contingencies
Developing a proposal structure – table of contents
The main body of the proposal – Project deliverables
Management, staffing and training
Monitoring and Evaluation section
Budget section
Sustainability section
Writing the executive summary
Effective writing review and proofing

Financial Management for NGOs

Many organizations face serious problems that block their development process due to ineffective financial management at organizational and project levels. Such organizations fail to operate in harmony with their stakeholders due to lack of transparency in financial operations, ineffective operational planning and an ineffective interface between the operations and finance of the projects / organizations

This workshop has been specially designed to help such organizations and development sector professionals in overcoming their operational, planning and financial accounting needs. Although the first step towards growth is the willingness and commitment of the participants to bring change in their practice towards more professional planning, it is also necessary to have some tools for facilitating this process. This workshop will provide participants with a framework for making these changes possible.


-Management as the foundation of finance
-Essentials of financial management
-Financial Management in NGOs
-Project development framework
-Operating planning and budgeting
-Financial accounting framework for NGOs
-Financial reporting
-Financial accounting model

Gender Audit

Gender equity and empowerment are essential for organizations aiming to establish a work environment where everyone has equal access to the opportunities necessary to satisfy their needs, advance in career and achieve their full potential as contributing members of the organization as a whole. Gender Audit helps organizations assess their policies and procedures in terms of both gender equity and empowerment.

This 3-day comprehensive workshop on Gender Audit introduces the participants to the tools and methodologies used to conduct an institutional gender audit. This is a participatory workshop where the participants will be invited to reflect on how audit techniques are used to assess whether gender equity and empowerment are promoted effectively and consistently within the organization as well as its programs.


Introduction and context
Objectives of gender audit
Gender analysis framework and gender mainstreaming
Audit documents – structure, content and measurement
Steps involved in gender audit process
Audit facilitation team structure
Gender audit reporting and feedback
Gender action planning