Executive presence is an intangible quality. People who have this seem in control, relaxed, self-assured. They seem to have a charisma about them – the kind that attracts attention when they enter a room or start to speak. Executive presence is easy to notice but not easy to describe or define. It is a mixture of skills that helps to send the right signals to others. Research has shown that executive presence can be developed and that there is a strong correlation between executive presence and status. Here are some factors and skills that contribute to this presence…
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According to Guy Kawasaki, the famous blogger, serial entrepreneur and venture capitalist, being likable is essential to any kind of success in business, organizations, management etc. If you think about it, have you ever been enchanted by someone you didn’t like? The answer is probably not. You need to be likable, no matter how great your product or service or idea is. Here are three ways to enhance your likability…
It was Henry Wadsworth Longfellow who said
“The heights by great men reached and kept
Were not attained by sudden flight,
But they, while their companions slept,
Were toiling upward in the night.”
Here are some thoughts on persistence and how it contributes to success…
When we ask participants in our business school and entrepreneurship classes what is more important: the business idea versus execution of it, we find that about half vote for the idea and the other half believe it is execution that matters. So is there one correct answer to this question, or does this really depend on the circumstances or situation? You decide…
An extract from an article by Mark Gottfredson, Steve Schaubert and Elizabeth Babcock. The first two are partners at Bain and Company consultants and the authors of the book The Breakthrough Imperative: How the Best Managers Get Outstanding Results. Elizabeth Babcock is president and CEO of the Crittenton Women’s Union, a Boston nonprofit dedicated to moving low-income women and families out of poverty.
From organizations as diverse as non-for-profits, coroprate for-profit companies and public sector entities, great organizations have one thing in common: great managers. These managers, in turn, share four simple management principles that they use to guide organizations from mere mediocrity to stand-out stardom…
If you are a manager, you will have to deal with all kinds of employees in your job, including handling difficult employees. It is an unfortunate reality that every organization has a number of these characters. It is also true that most managers don’t like handling a difficult employee; they will much rather ignore the issue or skirt around it because this is much easier to do. But remember, if you are a manager or a supervisor and you don’t know how to handle a difficult employee, then you become the difficult employee yourself…
What HR functions offer the highest tangible impact in support of the business in terms of growth and profit? This has been a topic of discussion in organizations ever since HR managers started to realize the importance of identifying measurable returns of HR functions and activity. Now, according to a study last year by the world renowned Boston Consulting Group (BCG), the HR function that provides the highest impact is recruiting…
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