This is a blog that brings together actionable insights and articles to provide concise summaries of sometimes complex topics related to management, leadership, business, organizational development and personal effectiveness.

There are more than 170 articles  at this time!

Much of the material in the blog is based on my own personal experience, on challenges I have faced and on situations I have encountered. Where I use material or ideas based on existing public domain sources, or where I describe some concepts that have been previously published in a book or in some article, a reference or credit to the source/author is duly added to the post.

Asad Zaidi, CEO MDi PakistanMy name is Asad Zaidi. I come originally from the IT and Telecom sector and  have worked with various multinationals and public listed firms in many countries around the world including Singapore, Malaysia, and the UK. For the last 15 years, I have been an entrepreneur running an education, training and consulting business in Pakistan. This is like a front-row seat to observe the issues, challenges and opportunities that individuals, executives and organizations encounter as they seek to grow and flourish.

I have been around for a while but work and life still seem very much a work in progress. This blog is a way to learn first for myself then to share.  If you have some insights to share, some article to contribute or if you wish to make any comment about this blog, you can get in touch via the contact form.