The environment we create for ourselves is a reflection of the way we act – like a mirror. When we become open and transparent, others around us start to do the same. If we keep our feelings and thoughts and emotions to ourselves, this is a signal to others to also withdraw into their own shells…
Category: Communication Skills and Writing (Page 4 of 8)
We sell to people and people are complex. They come in all sizes, flavors and from different backgrounds and culture. However, they all have something in common. It is called the human condition. Here are 4 secrets of selling that once understood can help you to sell more effectively…
How do you Motivate People? This is an extract from an article in Harvard Business Review (HBR) by Frederick Herzberg – one of the most popular HBR articles of all time. It provides a really insightful look at all the things organizations do to motivate people without much success…
The surest way of getting someone to do something – is to deliver a kick in the pants-put bluntly, the KITA. But there is a danger that a manager might get kicked back in return, so companies usually resort to positive KITAs, ranging from fringe benefits to employee counseling. But while a KITA might produce some change in behavior, it doesn’t motivate people…
It was Jack Welch of GE who said that leadership is 80% about people and 20% about other things. I think this is really true. I also believe what is even more true is that 80% of leadership is about effective communication. When someone says “what a great leader..”, more often than not they are really talking about that person’s ability to convey ideas effectively. Here are 3 ways communication becomes the primary driver of leadership…
Report writing is as much a science as it is an art. Building a report will almost always require you to create “clusters” of information in some logical, structured, ordered way. This means taking discrete types of information and arranging this information in separate compartments for easier reading. This deliberate order engages the reader in a much better way than simply spreading bits of information across various parts of the report. Here are some kinds of “clusters” that can be used in report writing:
You may need to write a report for readers internal or external to your organization, although you may find that your report will be for someone in higher authority within your organization or for an external organization that supports or funds your organizational programs. People in organizations write reports for a variety of reasons. Reports can be informative or persuasive or a combination of both…
Much of what we use consciously or sub-consciously to influence or persuade people around us doesn’t actually work. This is because more often than not influencing turns out to be some form of coercion. In some cases, it is winning the argument without winning over the person. Here are 3 things you can do in practical terms to become an effective influencer…
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