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Category: Achievement and Success (Page 1 of 3)

Psychology of Flow – Zone of High Performance

You are out running in the park. Instead of your mind thinking about the office tasks on Monday, your attention is focused on the act of running and nothing else. You can feel the ground beneath your feet, the tension in your legs and how you are feeling as you breathe in and out. You are somehow completely focused on this and nothing else seems to matter. Suddenly you notice you have been running for twice as long as usual and you are not even tired.

psychology of flow

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Taking Action – The Key to Change Things

Based on a web article by Scott Young

For most of us – other than the 2% of people who are really successful at what they do – there is a big challenge we face every day. We like to dream about what we want to become or what we want to have in the future but we can’t seem to take action. We have ideas but we can’t execute. As a human species, we are essentially lazy – we seek reward without working for it. So what is the solution? How does one get better at following up by taking action?

taking action change things

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One Minute Manager – Key Lessons

One Minute ManagerThe One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson is one of the best-selling books of all time with 13 million copies published in 37 languages. It is written in story fashion about a young man searching for an effective manager that he can work with. He finds mostly managers who just care about the organization and its results not about the people. He also finds managers who care about the people but their organizations suffer due to lack of attention to organizational goals…

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The One Mistake That Stops You From Being Really Successful

Based on a web article by Anita Hamilton in 2017

One Mistake That Stops You from Being SuccessfulYou go shopping for office clothes – and end up with three casual shirts and two pairs of jeans you just knew you wanted. You decide to go for a salad and soup meal and end up in an expensive restaurant with an impressive menu and end up ordering much more than you can eat. None of these incidents is unusual, but as time passes, your choices amount to a mounting and consistent trade off: You’re choosing pleasure now in exchange for some possible financial discomfort in the future.

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The Strangest Secret

An extract from the book “The Strangest Secret” by Earl Nightingale, a famous radio show host, in the 1940’s and 1950s. He was also a successful entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker.

The amazing message that has now become known as the Strangest Secret was first played for a group of salespeople at Earl Nightingale’s insurance agency. They were utterly electrified. Word of it spread like wildfire, and everyone who heard it was positively ignited into action.

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Differentiating Yourself – 4 Strategies

Are you content to be like everyone else and just coast along or are you looking to get on a new trajectory of differentiating yourself so that you can stand out from the rest of the crowd? I wanted to take this opportunity to offer some really helpful insights on how to go about creating such differentiation in yourself. Here are 4 key strategies:

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Mental Technology – Software for Your Life

An extract from the book The 10 Mental Laws by Barbara Berger

mental technologyJust as there are physical laws that describe and govern the behavior of physical phenomena, so there are mental laws  that describe and govern our thinking and the behavior. The application of these mental laws is what is referred to as mental technology. This a bit like the software that drives how we think and what we do. Here are the 10 laws:

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