20% of the information that gives you 80% of what you need to know

Author: Asad Zaidi (Page 26 of 34)

Do You Have Executive Balance?

executive balanceIt started with grey cells and IQ , then there was talk about EQ – the measure of emotional intelligence. Emotional balance does play a key role it seems in building relationships, managing conflict situations and maintaining composure in stressful situations. But is this enough and is it the whole story? Is there another way to look at behavior as an indicator of success. I believe there are some other distinct patterns of behavior and experience that contribute to success and constitute what I call EXECUTIVE BALANCE…

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Lessons of Life

An extract from an article written by Regina Brett, 90 years old, of the Plain Dealer, Cleveland, Ohio . She said “To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most requested column I’ve ever written”.

Here are the selected ones worth remembering
1. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step…

The 5 Truths About Fear

You are going to present before a group of people you haven’t met before. As you face the seemingly intimidating audience, you start to feel tense. Some people seem to be looking quizzically at you, as if sizing you up. You don’t like this at all, and you start looking at the exit, wishing you were somewhere else. Your heart is pounding and your initial “good morning folks – how are you doing?” sounds weak as your voice cracks and falters. You are experiencing one of the core emotions that all humans have to endure. It will not go away but the good news is that you can learn to modulate its effect on you…

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Miscommunication Patterns at Work

In the process of communicating with others at work, there is an unfortunate reality that is part of being human and imperfect and the egotistical beings that we are. This reality is that often we miscommunicate much more than we communicate, leaving behind a trail of wrong impressions, unfulfilled objectives and dissatisfied people.

There are of course as many ways to miscommunicate as there are types of people but here are the top 2  miscommunication patterns to watch out for and avoid…

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Personal and Organizational Development – Some Maps for the Trip

by Douglas O’Loughlin – International Consultant on OD and Leadership Development


Most organisations and leaders are now facing higher levels of complexity, change, diversity, and uncertainty than ever before.    In these times, how can we help develop organisations and leaders so that they are less likely to get “in over their heads”, as Robert Kegan aptly named his 1994 book.  Kegan suggests that the demands of modern life are often mismatched with our order of consciousness or mental capacity. How can we develop and expand our individual and collective “agility”, where new challenges and opportunities can be met with elegance and effectiveness?…

Using A Boomerang In Your Next Presentation!

presentation,communication,speakingBy Asad Zaidi

Remember the last time the guy from the web development company came to do a presentation for you and showed you all those wonderful slides about:

-Company profile
-Products and services
-Pricing packages
-Reference customers
-After-sales support

and you had to suffer through his impassioned presentation wondering how many more Powerpoint slides you’d have to endure..?

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