Here’s a list of 3 sentences that can change your life – at work and at home. If you think this is just a tall claim, just read on and try practicing these over the next few days..

1- I’m sorry I screwed up – I made a mistake

People don’t like cover-ups. If you’ve made an honest mistake, just own up and apologize for it. A serious mistake can of course get you fired (no one said life was easy) but in the longer run, being honest about your mistakes is a better strategy than hiding the truth or worse blaming another poor sod

2- Good job! You did great..

Don’t use this superfluously, like praising someone just to please them. But when someone who’s a colleague, a subordinate, a friend etc has done something well, then be the first to acknowledge that

3- I need your advice – what’s your opinion about this matter?

Again, make sure you don’t do this just to butter someone up – people pick up these signals quickly. Instead, ask for advice genuinely, and value the opinion offered. Consultation builds collaborative relationships..