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Tag: self improvement (Page 3 of 4)

Negotiation Techniques – 10 Top Mistakes

negotiation techniquesAs an executive, a business manager or entrepreneur, one of the skills that determine your success is your ability to negotiate. Whether you are negotiating on price, on value, on which idea to implement or you are negotiating to reach a compromise on a difficult issue, it is easy to forget key principles of negotiation in the heat of the moment or in your desire to close the process.

Here are the top 10 mistakes that people make that you should avoid while negotiating:

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Double Your Productivity

Based on a blog article by Robin Sharma.

Double Your ProductivityIn a blog article, author and leadership guru Robin Sharma shares 17 tips for enhancing productivity. In a typical day, there are so many distractions at home and at work that some kind of deliberate strategy is needed to maintain and improve productivity. This extract summarizes what we believe are the 7 most effective of these…

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Building Presence

Building PresenceIt is a fact that very few people are fully present and engaged with the individuals they interact with. Have you not encountered situations where you have been conversing with someone and you notice that you do not really have their complete attention? Doesn’t that irk you? You may even remember situations where it was you who was guilty of not being fully engaged and present while someone else was talking to you…

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The Carnegie Principle

The Carnegie PrincipleOne of the mood states that Dale Carnegie thought was particularly important in a presentation was enthusiasm. In one class he held in Philadelphia, a young insurance salesman named Frank Bettger was mumbling his way through an impromptu talk. Carnegie interrupted him and said “Mr. Bettger, are you interested in what you are saying?”. Mr. Bettger replied “Yes, of course I am.” Carnegie then responded by saying “Well then, why don’t you talk with a little enthusiasm? How do you expect your audience to be interested if you don’t put some life into what you are saying?”


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Writing with Purpose

Writing with purposeWriting with purpose means that you start your message with a statement of purpose. You explain, right at the outset, why you are writing. You don’t do this at the end just before signing off. You do this if you can in the very first sentence or at the beginning of the introduction. This provides the reader with an immediate understanding of what will be covered in the rest of the document…

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People Buy From You

Buy From YouPeople buy from you means they will only buy from you if they like you. This assessment of you comes before they buy what you have to offer: ideas, recommendations, products, services etc. Irrespective of the situation you are in – professional, business, social – you have to sell yourself to get to first base with anyone…

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Handling Difficult People: 7 Things to Remember

Every one encounters difficult people. In fact, if you think objectively and hard enough, you were probably a difficult person yourself not too long ago! What happened? Were you really angry and hurt? Was it embarrassment or frustration? So when other people go through this difficult series of emotions and seem difficult, here are 7 things for you to remember:

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