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Tag: problem solving

Problem Solving Using the Subconscious Mind

problem solvingHave you noticed how you sometimes get stuck thinking about how to resolve a problem and no amount of thinking produces any result? Then you decide to leave the office and go for a walk in the park and suddenly you get this inspiration about a possible solution. Is this just a random coincidence or is there some explanation of why this happens?…

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Problem Solving using Reframing

Problem Solving Using ReframingTo be successful, you need to find solutions to every day and some not-so-routine problems. Problem solving requires innovative thinking to come up with effective solutions. One way of problem solving using innovative thinking is advocated by Tina Seelig – a professor at Stanford University who teaches creativity and innovation. She suggests using reframing – rethinking the question – to solve problems in a unique, interesting and innovative fashion…

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Problem Solving – Key Strategies

problem solvingOne of the lessons I learned a long time ago is that when you need to choose or decide a course of action  – like identifying a lecturer for a particular course or deciding what sort of marketing tactic to employ in a given situation – it is always beneficial to have a checklist of available possibilities. For lecturers, having a list of all the  lecturers who have contacted you in the past really helps with quick selection. Similarly, a master list of all the possible marketing tactics readily available for reference is helpful in thinking through the options. So it is with problem solving. You never know when you may need to solve a problem so having a list of key problem solving strategies can make the job easier. Here is a list of key problem solving strategies you can use…

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