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Category: Personal Effectiveness (Page 6 of 12)

Extraordinary Insights for Living and Working

Jim RohnAn extract of extraordinary insights for living and working by Jim Rohn, a speaker and author famous for his motivational audio programs and quotes on business and life in general. He passed away in 2009 but his work and quotes live on today. Rohn’s book “Five Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle”, published in 1991, was built around what he considered the five components of success:

Philosophy – how you think
Attitude – how you feel
Action – what you do
Results – measured often to see if you are making progress
Lifestyle – the kind of life you make for yourself out of the first four pieces

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The Law of Attraction

Law of AttractionWhat is the Law of Attraction and why does it generate so much discussion and controversy? As a start, watch the movie “The Secret” because a) it is great to watch and learn from and b) you will get introduced to the Law of Attraction in a way that only seeing a movie can. The Law of Attraction has apparently been used by great minds throughout history although it is not clear if these people actually knew consciously they were using the Law or not. According to “The Secret’, there’s some evidence that this law was used by the likes of Beethoven and Einstein…

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Enhancing Productivity – 5 Steps

Based on an article by Jessica Krampe at success.com

ProductivityAs with Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs where to get from one level (survival) to an advanced level (self-actualization), enhancing productivity requires much the same process according to Tamara Myles, author of The Secret to Peak Productivity (AMACOM, February 2014)…

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Executive Presence – Do You Have It?

Executive PresenceExecutive presence is an intangible quality. People who have this seem in control, relaxed, self-assured. They seem to have a charisma about them – the kind that attracts attention when they enter a room or start to speak. Executive presence is easy to notice but not easy to describe or define. It is a mixture of skills that helps to send the right signals to others. Research has shown that executive presence can be developed and that there is a strong correlation between executive presence and status. Here are some factors and skills that contribute to this presence…

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How to Improve Your Likability

LikabilityAccording to Guy Kawasaki, the famous blogger, serial entrepreneur and venture capitalist, being likable is essential to any kind of success in business, organizations, management etc. If you think about it, have you ever been enchanted by someone you didn’t like? The answer is probably not. You need to be likable, no matter how great your product or service or idea is. Here are three ways to enhance your likability…

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persistenceIt was Henry Wadsworth Longfellow who said

“The heights by great men reached and kept
Were not attained by sudden flight,
But they, while their companions slept,
Were toiling upward in the night.”

Here are some thoughts on persistence and how it contributes to success…

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Why People Lose Credibility? 4 Top Reasons

Credibility – that magic word – that attribute that acts like a multiplier. If you have credibility, nothing else matters -if you don’t have credibility, nothing else matters. Many new executives and sometimes senior managers just do not realize that credibility is not just a function of their knowledge, talent and skill, it is intimately linked to their behavior. Here are 4 behaviors that can ruin your credibility…

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