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Category: Organizational Development (Page 4 of 6)

Motivation by Vroom

An explanation of the Expectancy Theory of motivation from the 1970s as proposed by Victor Vroom, a business school professor at the Yale School of Management. This is still very relevant and an accurate depiction of what motivates individuals in organizations…

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Business Quotes to Remember

Here are some selected business quotes that can help us to stop, think, reflect and who knows, maybe even modify how we behave:

1. The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same – Carlos Castaneda

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The 5 Stages of Employee Value

Employee ValueEmployees of any kind of organization have to progress through various stages of providing value to their employer. These stages or steps are not always expressed formally by the employer nor are these always properly understood or appreciated by the employee. But these are nonetheless always there and it will be useful for you to know what these are …

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Communication Styles

Based on an extract from an MIT USA course on communications

Research indicates that each of us has a default communications style from one of the following:

-Analyst – data focus
-Innovator – creative focus
-Producer – results focus
-Diplomat – people focus

We may have some qualities from all four of the above but it is observed that we generally communicate using a pre-dominant or default style. There is nothing bad or good about these styles; it is just a question of different people using different styles. Some people are more “adaptable” as they have a strong relationship to each style; some are very predictable because they hardly ever traverse out of their style or are known to not have another style. So what do we do with this knowledge? Well, it can help us to understand and appreciate those around us rather than judging them…

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Personal and Organizational Development – Some Maps for the Trip

by Douglas O’Loughlin – International Consultant on OD and Leadership Development


Most organisations and leaders are now facing higher levels of complexity, change, diversity, and uncertainty than ever before.    In these times, how can we help develop organisations and leaders so that they are less likely to get “in over their heads”, as Robert Kegan aptly named his 1994 book.  Kegan suggests that the demands of modern life are often mismatched with our order of consciousness or mental capacity. How can we develop and expand our individual and collective “agility”, where new challenges and opportunities can be met with elegance and effectiveness?…

Change Management – 5 Big Insights

change management and personal transformationHere are some insights about personal change management presented by Dr. Wayne Dyer, a world-famous motivational expert, in his various books and talks. These can help us to change both at the personal level and as managers/professionals working in organizations. Some of of these concepts are known to have been originally articulated in management theory, in philosophy and in psychology…

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A Conversation on Management in the Public Sector

A web article based on remarks by William A. Eaton
Assistant US Secretary of State for Administration (2001-2005)
with some useful ideas about management for everyone particularly public sector and development sector folks

Good morning, everyone.  I want to talk to you today about reframing the conversation on management in the State Department. Let me start out with some bad news. And that is, Secretary Powell is going to be leaving us. Maybe not right away, but he’s going to be leaving in 2005, or 2009, or some time. And the question that brings to mind is, how do we sustain the sorts of management improvements that we’ve seen over the last several years once Secretary Powell leaves?…

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