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Category: HR Management (Page 3 of 6)

Motivate People – But How?

How do you Motivate People? This is an extract from an article in Harvard Business Review (HBR) by Frederick Herzberg – one of the most popular HBR articles of all time. It provides a really insightful look at all the things organizations do to motivate people without much success…

The surest way of getting someone to do something – is to deliver a kick in the pants-put bluntly, the KITA. But there is a danger that a manager might get kicked back in return, so companies usually resort to positive KITAs, ranging from fringe benefits to employee counseling. But while a KITA might produce some change in behavior, it doesn’t motivate people…

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Employee Motivation – 3 Common Myths

The topic of employee motivation is of great significance to managers and supervisors. There are many theories of motivation and any manager wishing to put together a simple practical model of employee motivation has to go through tons of information and misinformation. To complicate matters, there are several myths that confuse in particular new managers or supervisors. This article will help in clearing up some of these myths.

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HR Should Put Itself Out of Business

An article by Chris Ferdinandi published in 2010 that rings really true today as well

Not entirely out of business, of course. But we should put our current way of doing things out of business. Then, we can make way for a newer, awesomer HR. I think the future of human resources is five or six specialized functions (there may be overlap with a few of these)…

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Motivation by Vroom

An explanation of the Expectancy Theory of motivation from the 1970s as proposed by Victor Vroom, a business school professor at the Yale School of Management. This is still very relevant and an accurate depiction of what motivates individuals in organizations…

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Business Quotes to Remember

Here are some selected business quotes that can help us to stop, think, reflect and who knows, maybe even modify how we behave:

1. The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same – Carlos Castaneda

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Effective Interviewing – 5 Steps

Most managers conduct job interviews without any structure or strategy or method.  I am also guilty of this on many occasions because I felt it was going to be quite easy to assess the job applicants.  Now I know that I was wrong. Without a strategy and methodology for effective interviewing, you end up selecting a person based on an overall impression and intuition rather than a diligent scrutiny of the applicant’s abilities and potential. This can often lead to the wrong person in the job. So how does one ensure better selection?

Well, there are no guarantees of course but here are 5 things that lead to effective interviewing, ensuring the odds are tilted in your favor. …

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