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Month: November 2015

The Power of Rephrasing

If you keep rephrasing the question, it gradually becomes the answer – Robert Brault

RephrasingBefore you can fix a problem or decide the course of action to take in solving a difficult issue, it helps to first of all spend some time defining what the problem is. It was after all Einstein who is known to have said “if I had one hour to save the world, I would spend fifty-five minutes defining the problem and only five minutes finding the solution“…

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Better Decision Making – A Little Known Secret

Better Decision MakingImagine that you are approaching a traffic light and need to make a decision whether to stop or move full speed ahead. This becomes easier to decide when you are given sufficient information – the light is red, orange or green. But how do you decide if the traffic lights don’t work for some reason. Now you need to process different bits of information about the traffic that’s coming from the left, the right, the pedestrians…

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