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Month: October 2015

Interview Questions that Reveal More

Based on an extract from a Business Insider web article. The original article was written by Alison Griswold and Vivian Giang.

Interview QuestionsSmart and successful entrepreneurs including the likes of Richard Branson of Virgin and Tony Hsieh of Zappos know that interview questions like “What’s your biggest strength?” and “What’s your biggest weakness?” don’t produce revealing answers. That’s why they steer clear of these cliché queries and instead ask more meaningful ones. Many executives have their one favorite go-to question that reveals everything they need to know about a job candidate. Here is a list of the top 10 questions…

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Organizational Success – The Ultimate Secret

fun and recreationRead any book about organizational success – whether in a multinational or a small business – and the key to organizational success is related to something business-like: leadership, sales,  customer care, profitability, etc. Any reference to recreation and fun is almost always as an add-on. For example, a company retreat with balloons and treasure hunts once a year  or a sports day or  a company lunch once a quarter. HR managers lecture line managers on the need to have such events so their fun-starved staff can get a chance to “loosen up”. Yet staff engagement remains low….

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