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Month: September 2015

SCARF Model for Collaboration and Influence

The SCARF Model was originally proposed by David Rock of the Neuro-Leadership Institute and has been acclaimed as one of the best and original ideas in management over the last 15 years. 

SCARF ModelIn a world of increasing inter-connectedness and rapid change, there is a growing need to improve the way people work together. The study of the brain is starting to provide some key insights that can be applied in the real world – for example in the work place. Social neuroscience explores the biological foundations of the way humans relate to each other and to themselves  in terms of emotional regulation, attitudes, stereotyping, empathy, status, fairness, collaboration, persuasion, morality, compassion, deception and trust…

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Working Faster

Work FasterOne of the benefits of running an entrepreneurial organization is that almost by definition, it is a quest for doing more work in a shorter period of time at a lower cost. This is not some golden rule for entrepreneurs, it is a necessity. So you have to learn all the tricks there are to become more productive. The problem is that most advice handed out about time management and maximizing productivity looks viable as long as it’s in a management book or a training course but once you are back in the office, it’s just not practical.

For example, how many times have you heard that there are only so many seconds in the day and time never comes back. Has it made any difference? So maybe it’s time to explore some other strategies. How does one get more work done in the same time? Here are some ways that have proven to be really useful for me and a lot of other people. You may be surprised with how effective these can be…

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Leadership Lessons from Abraham Lincoln

Leadership Lessons from Abraham LincolnFew people in history attract the kind of respect, admiration and love that Abraham Lincoln attracts. You don’t have to be an American to be in awe of this man. People all around the world have heard of him and know why he is considered to be perhaps the greatest President of the United States of America. The way he lived his life and the way he governed as the President of the United States at a most crucial juncture in the country’s history provides amazing insights on what constitutes true leadership. No theories here – just a true embodiment of how a leader behaves…

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10 Most Valuable Blogs in 2015

10 Most Valuable Blogs in 2015If you are someone who likes to stay up to date with cutting edge insights and information about management, business, technology, workplace trends and personal effectiveness, then you need to add some must-read blogs to your regular reading list. Here is a list of what I consider to be 10 valuable blogs that provide great insights. The list is not in any particular order..

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