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Month: August 2015

Dramatic Predictions for the Future

This article is an extract from the article by Thomas Frey, a well-known futurist

Humanity will change more in the next 20 years than in all of human history.

Predicting the FutureBy 2030 the average person in the U.S. will have 4.5 packages a week delivered with flying drones. They will travel 40% of the time in a driverless car, use a 3D printer to print hyper-individualized meals, and will spend most of their leisure time on an activity that hasn’t been invented yet. The world will have seen over 2 billion jobs disappear, with most coming back in different forms in different industries, with over 50% structured as freelance projects rather than full-time jobs…

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Giving Feedback – The Right Way

Giving FeedbackWhat happens in people’s brains when they receive feedback? It’s hard for human beings to feel they are wrong and it is even harder for them to hear that from others. There is a primal, psychological reason for this. Our brains view criticism as a threat to our survival. Because our brains are ready to protect us at all costs, they go out of their way to make sure we always feel like we’re in the right-even when we’re not…

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Disruptive Innovation

The leading authority on disruptive innovation is Professor Clayton Christensen of Harvard University. This article is an extract from various articles about his ideas.

disruptive innovationAs companies innovate, sometimes faster than their customers’ needs evolve, they eventually end up producing products or services that are actually too sophisticated, too expensive, and too complicated for many customers in their market. Remember the mainframe computer that cost millions of dollars and was so complex only a few select organizations could use it?

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