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Month: February 2010

Better Business Writing – starting next Monday

Powerful and persuasive writing requires multiple inputs: grammar and vocabulary, creativity and clarity, emotion and persuasion, experience and flair. The average executive however is not going to need to churn out creative writing masterpieces  or poetic verses to stir the soul. What he/she will need to do most of the time is to write clearly and persuasively.  Here are some simple but powerful strategies to improve business writing quickly and painlessly, starting now or next Monday (if you want to take it a bit easy)…

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A Conversation on Management in the Public Sector

A web article based on remarks by William A. Eaton
Assistant US Secretary of State for Administration (2001-2005)
with some useful ideas about management for everyone particularly public sector and development sector folks

Good morning, everyone.  I want to talk to you today about reframing the conversation on management in the State Department. Let me start out with some bad news. And that is, Secretary Powell is going to be leaving us. Maybe not right away, but he’s going to be leaving in 2005, or 2009, or some time. And the question that brings to mind is, how do we sustain the sorts of management improvements that we’ve seen over the last several years once Secretary Powell leaves?…

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Six Realities of Change Management

change management,change,ODThere are lot’s of things to take care of when introducing change in an organization – and there are lot’s of myths and hype as well about what works and what doesn’t. Change management is as complex as human beings are – so there aren’t any easy answers or recipes for success. But here’s a list of 6 key things to keep in mind as you think about creating a toolkit for change in your workplace…

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