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Month: June 2009

Insights that can change People

These are some insights that are timeless and that can inspire us to re-think the way we think, to re-view our view of the world and to re-shape the way we generally behave. Personal transformation is really tough – but these insights are catalysts that help us to step out of our “autopilot” selves for a bit and savor what may be possible.

1- To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life; we must set our hearts right. Confucius…

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Insights that can change Organizations

Here are some wonderful insights by truly wise people that can change the way organizations and businesses operate:

1- Advertising’s five golden rules (from the audience’s viewpoint)

• what’s
• in
• it
• for
• me

This is true not just in advertising but also in communications, where your communications need to be audience-centered – the audience should be able to work out QUICKLY what’s in it for them

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