International University of Applied Sciences

Bachelor of Science - Software Development

Bring digital ideas to life and help ideas flourish with our B.Sc. Software Development.

From smartphone apps to traffic light control, to complex ERP systems: more and more processes in business and society are based on software systems. According to the World Economic Forum, cloud computing, big data analysis, the Internet of Things, IT security, artificial intelligence, e-commerce and virtual reality will determine our future – topics that are all an integral part of your distance learning programme in software development. You will acquire programming and software engineering skills that will qualify you for key positions in the international IT industry.

BS Software Development

Your Degree Summed Up


Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
All 6 semesters online


180 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System). Accredited in line with German and European standards


6 semesters – 36 months


High School/College Certificate
Intermediate, A Levels, IB Diploma, or equivalent.


Euros 5,784 total for online degree


Online Assignments and Exams

Course Overview

Modules ECTS
Software Engineering Principles 5
Introduction to Academic Work 5
Requirements Engineering 5
Specification 5
Object-oriented Programming with Java 5
Database Modeling and Database Systems 5
Modules ECTS
Data structures and Java class library 5
Collaborative Work 5
Web Application Development 5
Algorithms, Data Structures, and Programming Languages 5
Software Quality Assurance 5
IT Architecture Management 5
Modules ECTS
Programming Information Systems with Java EE 5
Ethics and Sustainability in IT 5
IT Project Management 5
Techniques and methods for agile software development 5
Introduction to Mobile Software Engineering 5
Seminar: Software Engineering 5
Modules ECTS
Project: Agile Software Engineering 5
IT Infrastructure 5
IT-Service Management 5
Project: Mobile Software Engineering 5
Cloud Programming 5
Introduction to Data Protection and IT Security 5
Modules ECTS
DevOps and Continuous Delivery 5
User Interface Design and Ergonomics 5
Introduction to Programming with Python 5
Project: Software Development 5
Electives A 10
Modules ECTS
Electives B 10
Electives C 10
Bachelor Thesis 10


In the fifth and sixth semesters, you choose your three electives with a total of 30 ECTS credits. Some of the areas you can choose to deepen your knowledge in include Data Science and object-oriented programming with python, financial services management, Internet of Things and Embedded Systems, IT Security Consulting, Business Intelligence and more.

This specialisation prepares you for sales and business. The interaction between strategy, marketing, sales and after-sales services is an important tool for sales-oriented companies and a central factor for success. This module teaches you relevant know-how for sales and negotiation talks, different distribution systems, and sales by telephone or trusted digital distribution channels.

This specialisation provides you with a systematic overview of the basic functions of suppliers operating in financial markets and the financial services they offer. In addition to financing and investment with banks and insurance companies, you’ll also examine the various forms of securities transactions, including insurance contracts for risk transfer.

Die Spezialisierung “Business Consulting” vertieft Dein Fachwissen aus der allgemeinen Betriebswirtschaftslehre sowie den allgemeinen Kursen zur Unternehmensführung und zum Projektmanagement im Hinblick auf deren Einsatz im Bereich der Unternehmensberatung. Unternehmensberatung umfasst professionelle Dienstleistungen, die in Form interner oder externer Beratungsprojekte mit dem Ziel der nachhaltigen Wertsteigerung von Unternehmen eingesetzt werden.

Lehrinhalte der Spezialisierung “Business Consulting” sind unter anderem:

  • Strukturen und Trends nationaler/internationaler Beratungsmärkte
  • Beratungskonzepte und Beratungsmethoden
  • Projektakquisition und Projektmanagement
  • Management von Beratungsunternehmen
  • Beratungsmarken und Beratungsmarketing

Augmented, mixed and virtual reality (AR, MR and VR) technologies are becoming increasingly important in a variety of application areas. New types of hardware devices and forms of interaction are used here. In addition to the technical features, this course deals with aspects of human perception and approaches to the development of AR/VR applications.

The definition and delimitation of the terms augmented, mixed and virtual reality as well as the demonstration of application examples initially give students an understanding of the field.

In order to suggest the existence of a virtual world or virtual objects to users, aspects of human perception must be used. Based on the fundamentals of human information processing, the phenomena, problems and solutions that must be taken into account in AR and VR applications are shown.

AR and VR systems can be realised in various ways. This course addresses different output forms, tracking methods and interaction possibilities. In addition, other techniques are highlighted that are especially important in the AR field.

Software development in AR and VR may require the application of specific processes. This course teaches selected approaches that are helpful in the design, prototyping and testing of AR and VR applications.

Finally, an outlook on future applications and the research potential of augmented, mixed and virtual reality is given.

Der Begriff User Experience (UX) bezeichnet ganz allgemein die Erfahrung bzw. das Erlebnis, welches bei Nutzern und Kunden von Unternehmensangeboten erzeugt wird. Hier geht es also nicht nur darum die Usability von IT-Systemen zu verbessern, sondern ganzheitlich die Erfahrung von Nutzern und Kunden zu analysieren, zu gestalten und zu bewerten.
Nach einer Einführung in das Thema User Experience wird zunächst das Konzept der Customer Journey erläutert und deren Einsatz diskutiert. Anschließend werden ausgewählte Techniken für die Gestaltung von User Experience eingeführt. Danach werden konkrete Techniken zur Bewertung von UX diskutiert und das Thema Informationsdesign betrachtet. Abschließend wird erläutert, wie UX auf der Ebene von Services und Unternehmen gezielt gestaltet werden kann.

Machine learning techniques – in particular from the field of deep learning – are currently being explored in the automation of cognitive tasks like vision, natural language processing and control. This specialisation addresses these application areas, providing you with the relevant knowledge to work in these important areas of technological progress.

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