Being a professional in your chosen field means much more than wearing a suit and tie or possessing a college degree and a fancy title. Professionalism also has to do with how you conduct yourself during your business affairs and daily official transactions with your seniors, peers and customers. True professionals possess a number of important characteristics that can apply to virtually any type of organization. This 1-day course is designed to provide participants with the understanding and skills to enhance their professional behavior and demeanor in the workplace.
1 day
For Whom:
All new/junior executives and staff from any kind of organization who can benefit from exposure to what being a professional means.
- Being a professional: what does it mean?
- Professional appearance and impact
- Good work habits- timeliness, productivity, quality and initiative
- Self-evaluation – assessing one’s strengths and weaknesses
- Handling personal responsibility vs. external factors
- Maintaining and conveying a positive attitude
- People skills (verbal, non-verbal, written)
- The professional’s checklist and action plan