Performance Management and Appraisal

Program Details

Setting expectations and giving accurate, diagnostic feedback to employees about job performance is a key task managers have to undertake. Conducting productive appraisals is even more critical when salary increases and variable bonuses are linked to performance. It is vital to ensure that a sound system of performance management and appraisal is in place in order to optimize employee potential.


2 days

For Whom:

All mid-level and senior line managers and HR professionals who are concerned with ensuring that performance management should produce results and add value to employee development


  • Performance Management – What Good Does it Do?
    Why Performance Management, Risks and Rewards, The Manager’s Role in Performance Management, Alternate Approaches to Performance Management
  • Elements of an Effective Performance Management System
    The Importance of Competency or Skills-based JDs, Identifying Job Competencies and Skills, Establishing Standards, Designing a Job Appraisal Inventory, Performance Management Cycle
  • Ongoing Conditions for Performance Management
    Manager Roles and Responsibilities in Performance Management, Gaining Rapport and Building Trust, Setting Parameters and Clarifying Expectations, Exploring Alternatives and Gaining Commitment, Deciding Mutually-agreed Upon Objectives, Negotiating a Performance-based Contract
  • The Performance Appraisal Conference
    Preparing for an Performance Appraisal Conference, Suggested Sequence for a Performance Appraisal Conference, The Value of Constructive Criticism, Dealing with Anger and Defensiveness, Modeling Appropriate Behavior when Dealing With Perceived Differences
  • Using Specific Techniques in Appraisal Conferences
    Listening & Empathizing, Questioning and Summarizing, Probing and Challenging, Summarizing and Confronting, Joint Goal-Setting and Problem Solving, Approaches for Monitoring and Follow-up
  • When all else Fails..
    Identifying the Can-do but Won’t-do Subordinate, Indicators of Passive-Aggressive Behavior, Recognizing when professional help is needed


The facilitator will take highly participatory approach, with facilitated discussions, role plays for skill building in required areas, group exercises and opportunities for peer learning. Course materials and case studies will be customized as per sector of the organization to make learning relevant.

Who should attend?

The workshop is ideal for human resource professionals, heads of HR, organizational development professionals, members of performance review committees, department managers, and other organizational staff engaged in employee relations, employee performance reviews or interested in performance management and appraisals

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