Research in psychology and human performance over the last twenty years indicates that mental intelligence does contribute to success BUT the far more significant intelligence that accounts for personal and professional success is emotional intelligence Dr. Michael Rock , EQ specialist
Having a high IQ alone may not necessarily equate to a high rate of success. Other factors such as self awareness, impulse control, persistence, self-motivation, being able to build and sustain inspiring work environments as well as engage others through empathy and positive relationships are qualities which set apart leaders who excel. These basic qualities are now commonly known as Emotional Intelligence, an array of non-cognitive capabilities, competencies and skills that enhance ability to succeed in coping with environmental demands and pressures. Research shows that an executive’s emotional intelligence has clear links to their own performance as well as impacting everyone else around.
Redefining what it means to be smart – sharpening the EQ Edge and intra- and interpersonal competencies
This program creates awareness of the significance of Emotional Intelligence at the workplace and in leadership. Participants will be equipped using hands-on experiential learning to develop intra- and interpersonal skills and 15 key EQ competencies, and will learn how these can make a difference to individual and team performance as well as job satisfaction.