Consulting Services

MDi offers a range of organizational development and project consulting services to clients in the not-for-profit, corporate and public sectors. These consulting services include:

Content Development


Instructional design and development of content in English, Urdu and other local language for training modules, classroom-based or e-learning and other organizational materials such as handbooks. Content includes text, images, presentations, quizzes, exercises for group work, etc. Includes session plans and teaching guides for trainers/instructors and session plans as well as supplementary reading material for trainees.

Baseline Assessment and Project Evaluation

Depending on the specific nature of the project, the baseline assessment collects data about local community profiles, demographics, household sizes, job/work opportunities, education related information and other associated information. Project evaluation includes the assessment of an ongoing project in an objective manner in order to gauge achievement of project objectives, impact and sustainability.

Desk Review and Research

desk review and research

Desk review and research to provide qualitative information and learning from a variety of existing resources. These resources can include internal organizational resources such as HR manuals or policy documents; online resources such as journals, reports and websites; social media resources to assess brand sentiment or commentary; hard copy documentation such as training materials or procedure manuals; government published or public domain information; existing research reports.

HR Policies and Procedures

HRThis service is ideal for SMEs or NGOs with a need for formulation of HR policies and procedures. MDi works with the organization to construct an enabling and consistent set of policies within an HR Policies and Procedures Manual. The policies and procedures cover recruitment, job descriptions, salary scales, training and career development, performance management, legal and statutory requirement, wage and leave policy, incentive or bonus schemes, etc.

Training Needs Assessment (TNA)

TNAThe TNA process uses the organization’s objectives and priorities – and the findings from the desk review if available – as a starting point for the design of questionnaires, on-the-job interviews, focus and departmental group inputs, interpretation, analysis, reporting and presentation of recommendations. The TNA covers assessment of current skills and exposure against desired levels, gap analysis, recommended interventions and intervention methodology. Based on the clients’ needs, the TNA can be framed against both tactical as well as long-range views.

Environment and Engagement Surveys

surveyThese are great tools when properly run to manage employee perceptions of the organization, the work environment, and people relationships. They can give management a comprehensive view of the overall health and commitment of the organizational community, as well as determining if the organization is focused and customer-facing, or if its energies are being diffused through lack of understanding or misunderstanding of common objectives.

Salary and Benefits Surveys

salary surveyThe real challenge in salary and benefits surveys is to work with meaningful comparisons. This is because there is significant variation in the terminology and meaning that different organizations attach to designations, grades, job titles etc. Much depends on the size of the organization, the scope and scale of the specific job, the nature and complexity of the position, the size of the team and in some cases the need for specific, specialist skills.

Process Improvement

process improvementAn effective way to establish continual improvement within the organization is to conduct regular process improvements (BPI). MDi experts can engage with your team to assess and improve processes across a variety of organizational functions such as people development and training, customer service, supply chain, warehousing and inventory, etc.

Typical MDi Consulting Projects

E-Learning Consulting Project for Local Government of KP on behalf of GiZ

Content Development for Women Entrepreneurs in Emerging Markets on behalf of IFC/World Bank

Desk Review and TNA on Soft Skills Training of TVET on behalf of Punjab Skills Development Fund

Salary and Benefits Survey on behalf of CARE International

Environment and Engagement Survey of Staff on behalf of UNICEF