Category: Article (Page 1 of 4)

Self Management Techniques

No matter what you do for a living, what industry you work in, or how far into your career you are, it’s likely that you have had the opportunity to work from home at one point or another. While many see working remotely as the ultimate work perk, it can sometimes be difficult to achieve maximum productivity when it becomes your routine due to the many distractions workers often face when working in the same place that they relax.

Successfully managing yourself can be challenging, but it is important to master this skill early and to use it often. This is a crucial skill to master, as those that are able to self-manage are more effective at their jobs and generally are happier and less stressed at work. While some distractions feel inevitable, there are steps you can take to minimize their effect on your productivity. One easy way to manage distractions is to create boundaries with friends, partners, and roommates by letting them know that you won’t be able to interact with them when you are working.

Check out the interesting infographic here

Running Board Meetings – Six Tips

This web link has been contributed by Emily Williams

If your entrepreneurial business has just started convening meetings of the Board of Directors, it will be important to ensure you do not end up having pointless lengthy conversations leading to ‘zero results’. With some careful planning and foresight, you can make these meetings livelier, engaging, effective and highly productive.

Please click on the image below to go to the full article

Board Meetings

Minimum Viable Product – MVP

The minimum viable product (MVP), as defined by Eric Ries in his book the Lean Startup, is a learning vehicle. It allows you to test an idea by exposing an early version of your product to the target users and customers, to collect the relevant data, and to learn form it. For instance, to test the viability of using ads as the major revenue source, you could release an early product increment with fake ads, and measure if and how often people click on them.

Please click on the image below to go to the full article

Minimum Viable Product

Give Constructive Feedback

You can download here a tool that provides some tips on how to give constructive feedback to improve your human resources management as well as the motivation and performance of your employees. You may adapt it to your business needs and employment conditions. Click the image below to access the web link:




Interested in HR? Checkout this HR Management training

Women Entrepreneurs – Thinking Big

A model that works to help small companies led by women entrepreneurs into large enterprises suggests that the most successful entrepreneurs do five key things to scale small companies into large ones. They think big and are bold, they build a public profile, they work on the business rather than in it, they establish key advisory networks and they leverage financing for expansion. Click on the image below to access the web link.


Force multipliers for growth

Sales Communications – Key Barriers

sales communications


If you don’t know how to communicate clearly and persuasively, it will be difficult for you as an entrepreneur to sell your products or services. You can now reach customers in many ways – via social media, via email, via your website. But the technology has now become a barrier as well. In fact, there are many barriers to effective communication with your clients…

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What is Entrepreneurship?

what is entrepreneurship


There are so many definitions of entrepreneurship and lot’s of misconceptions so understanding what entrepreneurship is not that easy. What is really important to understand however is that you can explore various ideas and definitions about entrepreneurship but don’t get hung up on this. If you are keen to start a business and you have been thinking about this for a long time, then maybe you are an entrepreneur!

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Business Plan Template

Once you have a model for your business, a business plan is important too. Rather than trying to figure out which template to use, try using one that can cater to mosr kinds of businesses. Click on the image below to acccess the web link for this


Business Plan Template

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