Author: Admin (Page 3 of 12)

Effective Delegation – Top Tips

It’s a fact that many managers find it difficult to delegate. Delegation is a key leadership and management skill but nobody tells managers how to do it well. Managers ask their staff to do a job, and then spend almost as much time re-doing the work as it would have taken them to do it from scratch themselves. They ‘learn’ from experience that delegating isn’t worth the effort.

But if you can learn to delegate it will bring huge advantages. Not only will it save you time but it will create a workforce that is more innovative, more engaged and more productive.

So how do you delegate effectively? What do you need to take into account? What rules do you need to follow?

Give Constructive Feedback

You can download here a tool that provides some tips on how to give constructive feedback to improve your human resources management as well as the motivation and performance of your employees. You may adapt it to your business needs and employment conditions. Click the image below to access the web link:




Interested in HR? Checkout this HR Management training

Women Entrepreneurs – Thinking Big

A model that works to help small companies led by women entrepreneurs into large enterprises suggests that the most successful entrepreneurs do five key things to scale small companies into large ones. They think big and are bold, they build a public profile, they work on the business rather than in it, they establish key advisory networks and they leverage financing for expansion. Click on the image below to access the web link.


Force multipliers for growth

Free Online Courses on Social Media

If you are new to social media and need a set of free online courses that can help you to get familiar quickly with the various social media tools like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin etc, then this is a great resource. The courses include not just general concepts but how-to details including screenshots. Click on the image below to acccess the web link


free online courses on social media

Sales Communications – Key Barriers

sales communications


If you don’t know how to communicate clearly and persuasively, it will be difficult for you as an entrepreneur to sell your products or services. You can now reach customers in many ways – via social media, via email, via your website. But the technology has now become a barrier as well. In fact, there are many barriers to effective communication with your clients…

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What is Entrepreneurship?

what is entrepreneurship


There are so many definitions of entrepreneurship and lot’s of misconceptions so understanding what entrepreneurship is not that easy. What is really important to understand however is that you can explore various ideas and definitions about entrepreneurship but don’t get hung up on this. If you are keen to start a business and you have been thinking about this for a long time, then maybe you are an entrepreneur!

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