Category: Video (Page 3 of 5)

Net Income Definition

Probably the most common measure of a company’s profitability, net income is essentially revenue less all expenses. This video provides a clear explanation in a graphical way of net income and how it is calculated.

The Three Types of Cash Flow

This video provides a brief but effective explanation of the three types of cash flow in an organization: cash flow from operations, cash flow from investments and cash flow from financing. For small business, understanding cash flow is vital. Entrepreneurs need to understand finance but if you have to select one area to focus on initially, that would be cash flow.


Qualities of Risk Taking Entrepreneurs

Susan Desmond-Hellmann, chancellor of UCSF, identifies traits that appear over and over again in successful entrepreneurs. The first trait is a relentless tenacity mixed with optimism, a quality she describes as being like “a dog on a bone.” The other critical trait is not being afraid to be embarrassed.


Evaluating Your Business Idea

There is no magical way to predict if your business idea is going to take off or not. This entrepreneur however provides some insights on the kind of thinking that gives you some clues about the feasibility of your business proposition


Harvest Rainwater

Discover how to sustainably harvest rainwater – up to 100,000 gallons of rainwater per year in your own back yard. This is what Brad Lancaster does in Tucson, Arizona as he reduces environmental and financial costs and produces free resources. This could be a great idea for a social enterprise in communities in many developing countries where there is water scarcity…


From Hobby to Organization

An excellent video featuring Salman Khan of Khan Academy – he is a US citizen of Bangladesh origin – explaining how Khan Academy went from being something of a hobby to a thriving and internationally renowned web resource for learners from across the globe.


The Entrepreneurship Myth

Don’t believe the entrepreneurship myth that all you have to do is start a business with your brilliant idea and you can become the next Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook. This is the kind of stuff one hears at university lectures from people who have never started a business themselves. This video is a great reminder of the reality that entrepreneurship is a long-term commitment and bloody hard work. If you don’t fancy working hard, having setbacks along the way and doing long hours, this entrepreneurship thing is not for you


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