International University of Applied Sciences

Bachelor of Science - Computer Science

A bachelor’s degree in computer science prepares you for a career designing, creating, managing, or implementing new software and systems. You’ll be at the cutting edge of technological advancements.

Computer science is revolutionising industries from within and is at the core of innovation, efficiency, and improvement of our daily lives. From the way we live to the way we work, communicate and travel, computer science is enabling brand-new concepts to be realised.

As society expects more and more information at our fingertips and communication in an instant, computer science specialists are in high demand. With our practical approach to learning, you’ll earn a competitive advantage in the job market as a graduate, mastering both technical and soft skills that companies look for in potential candidates.

Tuition Fee Euros 438/month – Duration 36 months

Degree awarded by IU International University of Applied Sciences (IU) which is  Germany’s largest & fastest growing private university. It has 130,000+ students and more than 200 Bachelors, Masters and MBA degree programmes. MDi is a registered official partner of IU Germany.

Course Overview

Modules ECTS
Introduction to Computer Science 5
Introduction to Academic Work 5
Mathematics I 5
Object-oriented Programming with Java 5
Data structures and Java class library 5
Intercultural and Ethical Decision-Making 5
Modules ECTS
Mathematics II 5
Web Application Development 5
Collaborative Work 5
Statistics – Probability and Descriptive Statistics 5
Computer Architecture and Operating Systems 5
Project: Java and Web Development 5
Modules ECTS
Database Modeling and Database Systems 5
Project: Build a Data Mart in SQL 5
Requirements Engineering 5
Computer Networks and Distributed Systems 5
Algorithms, Data Structures, and Programming Languages 5
IT-Service Management 5
Modules ECTS
Project: IT Service Management 5
Theoretical Computer Science and Mathematical Logic 5
Introduction to Programming with Python 5
Software Quality Assurance 5
Specification 5
Project: Software Engineering 5
Modules ECTS
Seminar: Current Topics in Computer Science 5
Introduction to Data Protection and IT Security 5
Cryptography 5
Electives A 10
Electives B 10
Modules ECTS
Agile Project Management 5
IT Law 5
Computer Science and Society 5
Bachelor Thesis 10


In the fifth and sixth semesters, you’ll choose your two specialisations to the value of 20 ECTS. To do this, you’ll choose each specialisation from a different field. Examples of these so called specialisations are:

Salesforce Platform Development

Salesforce is the world’s most widely-used software solution for Customer Relationship Management (CRM). One of the main aspects of the tool is that it offers many features and seamlessly integrates the newest technologies. This specialisation was designed in full cooperation with Salesforce, so students who successfully pass this module will be recognised as Salesforce experts with a special certificate.

Salesforce is the world’s most widely-used software solution for Customer Relationship Management (CRM). One of the main aspects of the tool is that it offers many features and seemlessly integrates the newest technologies. You will be certified as part of the module in cooperation with Salesforce.

In this specialisation, you’ll get to know the specifics of developing software for mobile systems. With the Android mobile platform as an example, you will learn how one differentiates mobile applications (apps) from the development of browser-based information systems, which technologies and programming concepts are typically used, and which challenges there are to developing apps for industrial purposes. You’ll learn how to independently create mobile software systems and use them to solve concrete problems on various software platforms. The optimal usage of camera, photo and video, as well as cross platform development, rounds out this module.

Which types of data are there, and how are text-based, binary data formats constructed? – Upon completion of this module, you’ll have the answers to these and other relevant questions on the topic of Big Data. In addition, you’ll know both the challenges and typical limitations of analysis systems. You’ll come to understand the foundations of cloud computing and its associated service models. Through this, you’ll be capable of analysing the underlying technologies and characteristic features of the cloud computing systems available today.

Business Intelligence (BI) deals with the creation of information from company data that’s relevant not only to selective management control, but also to the optimisation of company activities. The data warehouse installation often serves as a basis of a company or organisation. In the context of this course, techniques, procedures and models will be introduced and discussed, showing how data filing, the generation and analysis of information, and the distribution of this information are carried out.

Python is one of the most popular programming languages of our time. It offers applications in data handling, software development, machine learning and artificial intelligence. This specialisation will provide you with a foundational understanding of Python and its relevance to data science tasks. Python’s basics and its programming concepts will also be presented, along with the important role of its ability to use functions with a variable number of arguments. An overview into the work with common libraries, as well as modules on the topic of data science, rounds out this course.

You’d like to know the best techniques to successfully manage IT projects? – Then this module is perfect for you: here, with the aid of typical practical examples, you’ll learn how to prioritise, organise, and budget for tasks and processes within the context of IT projects. In addition to this, you will sharpen your understanding of the relevant measures that you can use in calculating risks. You will get acquainted with the principles of the strategic conception, administration and conversion of projects in the field of IT architecture.

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