Management Insights

Double Your Productivity

Based on a blog article by Robin Sharma.

In a blog article, author and leadership guru Robin Sharma shares 17 tips for enhancing productivity. In a typical day, there are so many distractions at home and at work that some kind of deliberate strategy is needed to maintain and improve productivity. This extract summarizes what we believe are the 7 most effective of these…

1. Turn off all technology for 60 minutes a day and focus on doing your most important work.

This is particularly true for email. It is an irrefutable fact no matter how much you may deny this that most email that you receive, open and read is junk mail. It may be marketing spam to make you buy rejuvenation pills, colleagues sending you jokes that you have heard before or a cc from someone who just wanted to include everyone in the loop.

2. Work in 90 minute cycles

A huge amount of research now confirms that this is the optimal work to rest ratio.  This is not a license to work for 90 minutes then take the day off. It just means you work best in 60-90 minute bursts with some time – maybe 15 minutes or so – in between tasks.

3. Focus on one task at a time

The ability to get things done, more effectively, is enhanced dramatically when you focus on just one task at a time. Allocate your attention and energy to just one task at a time rather than trying to wade through 10 things to do simultaneously.

4. Reduce distraction

The data says workers are interrupted every 11 minutes. Distractions destroy productivity. Learn to protect your time and say no to interruptions.

5. Drink lots of water early every morning

We wake up dehydrated. One of the most precious assets we all have is energy. Water restores it.

6. Invest in yourself

Invest in your professional development so you bring more value to the hours you do work.

7. Get up at 5 am

This is just simple arithmetic. Keep your productivity a big boost by giving yourself a few extra hours rather than waking up much later and scrounging for time.

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