The universe has a way of giving you what you think about the most. Whatever you think about and feel strongly about starts to come your way… so focus more on what you want, and less on what you don’t want.
This word – “state” – is also used by another motivational speaker, Tony Robbins – and means that your thoughts control how you feel at the emotional level. Positive thoughts drive positive emotional behavior. You are the one who has the power and responsibility to choose your emotional state each day. Your “state” and mood as a manager has substantial impact on those around you, including your colleagues and team
You are not in control of your reputation. As Dr. Wayne Dyer puts it, “your reputation is not located inside you”. The more you worry about popularity and seek the approval of others, the less likely you’re going to get it. Approval, like credibility, is earned – over time – and is almost always a function of the values that guide you and that others can perceive
Intention leads to and manufactures our reality. We each create our own little world with what we focus on and intend to happen. We need to evaluate our intention(s) with care as we move forward. If your intention is to really help a subordinate, your feedback will be given one way – until the reality becomes a more competent colleague. However, if your intention is to put somebody down, your feedback may lead to your reality of overseeing a demoralized team.
If you do something with an expectation of reward, the reward is always less than the expectation. If you do something because you want to, with no expectation of reward, the reward is mathematically (and otherwise) always a factor more than the expectation.