Tag: idea (Page 1 of 2)

Get Your Ideas to Spread

Marketing guru and author Seth Godin spells out why, when it comes to getting our attention, you cannot get your ideas to spread if these are routine or boring. Even bad or bizarre ideas are more successful than boring ones


A Case Study in Niche Marketing

As founder of fashion startup Mode-sty, Zahra Aljabri is trying to make modest fashion both attractive and affordable for today’s women. In this video, she describes the difficulties that modest dressers face, and how she is creating a better experience for them. This is an excellent example of an entrepreneur working in a niche that came to light when she wanted to buy clothes online for conservative women…


Questions To Ask About Your Business Model

business modelOne of the leading thinkers about business models is Alex Osterwalder, the authored the book Business Model Generation and articulated the Business Model Canvas. Osterwalder advises that entrepreneurs ask themselves the following questions about their business model as this may be helpful in identifying strengths and weaknesses in the approach to the business…

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Evaluating Your Business Idea

There is no magical way to predict if your business idea is going to take off or not. This entrepreneur however provides some insights on the kind of thinking that gives you some clues about the feasibility of your business proposition


Harvest Rainwater

Discover how to sustainably harvest rainwater – up to 100,000 gallons of rainwater per year in your own back yard. This is what Brad Lancaster does in Tucson, Arizona as he reduces environmental and financial costs and produces free resources. This could be a great idea for a social enterprise in communities in many developing countries where there is water scarcity…


From Hobby to Organization

An excellent video featuring Salman Khan of Khan Academy – he is a US citizen of Bangladesh origin – explaining how Khan Academy went from being something of a hobby to a thriving and internationally renowned web resource for learners from across the globe.


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