Entrepreneurship Insights

Lean Canvas – Your Business Model

Based on Ash Maurya’s Lean Canvas method of startup business models


The Lean Canvas is an adaptation from Osterwalds Business Model Canvas . There’s a clear delineation down the middle, on PRODUCT versus MARKET and here’s a brief description of each block and the order in which entrepreneurs need to think in order to put together a viable, practical business plan, on one page.




1. Problem


This is a brief description of the top 3 problems you’re addressing.


2. Customer Segment


Who are the customers/users of this system? Can they be further segmented? For example, amateur photographers vs. pro photographers. If you have multiple target customers in mind, for example, graphic designers vs. lawyers, you will create a separate canvas for each. More than likely a lot of the other pieces like problem, solution, channels, etc. will be different too.


3. Unique Value Proposition


What is the product’s tagline or primary reason you are different and worth buying?


4. Solution


What is the minimum feature set (MVP) that demonstrates the UVP up above?


5. Key Activity


Describe the key action users take that maps to revenue or retention? For example, the number of enquiries received in a week from potential clients.


6. Channels


List the FREE and PAID channels you can use to reach your customer.


7. Cost Structure


List out all your fixed and variable costs.


8. Revenue Streams


Identify your revenue model – subscription, ads, freemium, etc. and outline your back-of-the-envelope assumptions for life time value, gross margin, break-even point, etc.


9. Unfair Advantage


Do you have a strong competitive advantage, something that others can’t copy easily, something like a secret sauce


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