Tag: questions

What is Entrepreneurship?

what is entrepreneurship


There are so many definitions of entrepreneurship and lot’s of misconceptions so understanding what entrepreneurship is not that easy. What is really important to understand however is that you can explore various ideas and definitions about entrepreneurship but don’t get hung up on this. If you are keen to start a business and you have been thinking about this for a long time, then maybe you are an entrepreneur!

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Questions To Ask About Your Business Model

business modelOne of the leading thinkers about business models is Alex Osterwalder, the authored the book Business Model Generation and articulated the Business Model Canvas. Osterwalder advises that entrepreneurs ask themselves the following questions about their business model as this may be helpful in identifying strengths and weaknesses in the approach to the business…

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Evaluating Your Business Idea

There is no magical way to predict if your business idea is going to take off or not. This entrepreneur however provides some insights on the kind of thinking that gives you some clues about the feasibility of your business proposition


Questions That Customers Ask

Questions That Customer AskWhen you are writing a proposal to a client or presenting your offerings in front of a prospect, are you addressing the inevitable questions that customers ask -sometimes silent questions –  as they read your proposal or listen to your pitch? If you are, you are doing what is called preemption, anticipating their concerns and possible objections and addressing them before these are voiced…

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