Tag: lean

Minimum Viable Product – MVP

The minimum viable product (MVP), as defined by Eric Ries in his book the Lean Startup, is a learning vehicle. It allows you to test an idea by exposing an early version of your product to the target users and customers, to collect the relevant data, and to learn form it. For instance, to test the viability of using ads as the major revenue source, you could release an early product increment with fake ads, and measure if and how often people click on them.

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Minimum Viable Product

Small but Powerful Team

If you understand this message about the small but powerful team, and not just understand it but internalize it, this insight is more valuable for the small business owner than several HR courses put together. Of course having an A-plus team is easier said than done; it is probably also one of the the most challenging tasks that entrepreneurs have to face.


Small but Powerful Team

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Lean Canvas – Your Business Model

Based on Ash Maurya’s Lean Canvas method of startup business models


Lean CanvasThe Lean Canvas is an adaptation from Osterwalds Business Model Canvas . There’s a clear delineation down the middle, on PRODUCT versus MARKET and here’s a brief description of each block and the order in which entrepreneurs need to think in order to put together a viable, practical business plan, on one page.



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